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Monday, May 25, 2015

Social Medias #Charlie Charlie Challenge

Well if it weren't bad enough that kids are still playing games with the Ouija Board and getting themselves into a flurry of spiritual mess, now there is the #Charlie Charlie Challenge. Excuse me a moment while I let out a sigh for social media.... Great, now that the moment is over allow me to give you my opinion on this social media insanity.

While I am an avid believer in the spiritual realm (obviously or I wouldn't be writing about things of this nature), and while I still hold strong that items such as the Oujia Board can be used in a safe manner provided you are well informed, it is things like this that cause trouble to stir where there was none before. There are a few issues that I have with this one, firstly the fact that it is clearly telling you that you are summoning a demon. Now, I know most of you will have the same thought I did, what kind of name is Charlie for a demon. Granted, not the most unique, or even terrifying name by any means. That doesn't mean that it isn't true, and also doesn't mean that it is. As with any type of summoning or ritual you are calling upon a specific energy in order to aid in a specific task. Let me be the first to say that demon or not, I feel bad for Charlie that he has to deal with being called all over creation in order to be asked questions like "Which One Direction Band member will I marry..".

That aside, fact of the matter is that a bunch of young, impressionable, and in most cases energy erratic youths are calling upon spiritual answers from an unknown source (one they think is a demon mind you). Doing this under any circumstances is simply asking for a myriad of issues and trouble, and while they may not realize it now they are marking themselves in a way that may even spiritually harm them in the future. Whether or not you believe in Demons is beside the point. Anyone that practices magick or ritual can tell you that if you don't know who you're calling on for help, don't call them, and of course in addition be sure you are protected anyway. Seems that nothing can strike a cord of fear with kids nowadays.

So this simple game spreads around the internet like wildfire, as easy as that is now with Facebook, twitter, vine and all that. It spreads around and people become believers, and something that may have just been a simple form of trickery with an elaborate story becomes true. Something as simple as balancing a pencil on top of another and waiting for it to move, becomes a demon summoning ritual that people fully believe. What do we know about belief? With it, anything is possible. This means that true or not, if enough people believe in the fact that they are summoning a Demon, they may as well be.

Now I came across this whole thing tonight, funny enough it happened to be in the trending column on my Facebook homepage. After I read the short article and saw the video all I could do for about fifteen minutes was shake my head. The danger here is yet unknown, but I am sure that it will be created into something more soon enough. Fact is that you shouldn't play with fire, especially when the fire tells you up front that it's going to burn.

If you would like a look at the article you can find it here #Charlie Charlie Challenge

I don't condone this in anyway mind you. I urge you not to play around with it, and seek to tell your friends the same, just for safety sake. You should however be aware, this new craze can come crashing down just like the Ouija Board has.