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Monday, April 30, 2012

An Imagery of Energy

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, everyone is Psychic. We all have the ability, and capability of enhancing those parts of us. Many of us choose not to, for whatever reason; others choose to grow these parts of themselves; there are some that are plagued by their ability; and still others that pretend they don't exist.

Energy is all around us all of the time. It creates that which we see, touch, smell, taste, and hear, and it especially creates those things that are "invisible" to us. Part of this is the ability called Empathy. Empaths are numerous, in fact chances are that every single person has had an empathic occurance in their lives at least once.

Empaths feel what others feel. If a person is happy, sad, angry, depressed, elated; the Empath will feel those emotions. There are different levels of Empaths as well. On the starting side the energy is more sympathetic than empathetic. Growing stronger the empathy rings in, and even further along than that a "true" Empath can not only feel the emotions of others, but can physically feel what others feel.

Being an Empath is hard work, it takes a lot of concentration, a lot of psychic protection, and a strong awareness of energy as well as what is "self" and what is "not self".

I have found that people that have not experienced certain energies before have a hard time understanding what they are all about. While I was outside today, I got one of those lovely sparks from my guides that may help with decribing three different energies in a way that everyone will understand. The three energies that I am talking about are positive, negative, and void.

Let's start with void energy. Simply this means that a particular place (sometimes a person but most often a place) is void of energy. Think of it this way, have you ever been outside right before a big storm is about to roll in? If you pay attention (and sometimes even if you don't) you'll notice a few things. First, the color seems to fade and become more grey in everythign around you. The sounds seem to dissapear and it becomes strangely quiet (no birds or animals around). The scent of the air becomes stale and stagnant, it feels very still and motionless. This is what it feels like when a place is void of energy. It is like the life has been drained from everything around, leaving a completely empty space.

Negative energy is much different. Take that same scenario of being outdoors before a storm. Now imagine that someone turned on about a million 1000 watt bulbs and pointed them right at you! Colors begin to become to bright they are sharp and hurt the eyes. You hear so many different loud sounds that you want to cover your ears, so many smells that you want to hold your breath. Everyhting around you is assaulting every one of your senses, causing confusion, and pain.

Positive energy is the opposite. The color is perfectly balanced, not too dark or light. There is enough sound to be serene and calming wihtout overpowering your ears. The scents in the air even out and mix together in a beautiful bouquet that feel peaceful to you.

These images of different energies help you to identify when you are experiencing them. You can have a better understanding of that positive space you want to be in, releasing yourself from that voided energy space, and protecting and removing yourself from that negative space. For an Empath this information is priceless. Once they learn to udnerstand and recognize energy, and energy patterns they have a better chance of grabbing a firm hold of their ability and controlling it, not allowing it to control them!

Think about it, and use this imagery next time your out. Try to get a feeling, a sense for each of the images and place them into the situations you come across in life. You are more likely to be able to control those situations better than before (with a little practice of course).

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beltaine May 1st

 Ah, another wonderfull Sabbat comes our way as the start of the month of May draws in. Beltaine also known as May Eve has been observed since ancient times. During this Sabbat one focuses on fertility, love heat, passion, cleansing and flame.

The Sabbat is named after Ba'al a Mesopotamian God of fire, and (as we still do today) is celebrated with a bonfire (or bale fire).

An activity that many people are familair with at Beltaine is the Maypole dance. A large pole is erected and covered in colorful ribbons. People grab a ribbon and dance around the pole in different directions. Women dance clockwise (deosil) and men counterclockwise (widdershins). They alternate as they pass, and may even kiss,

The maypole is a phallic representation of the God being thrust into the Earth (or the womb of the Goddess). The dance itself raises energy, spirits and magick ushering in the Summer to come.

Often times one would sing a song, or rhyme as they dance aroudn the maypole. This was called "Calling in the Summer."

If you don't have room in your yard for a large maypole, try a smaller one. A local craft store will sell the following materials you can use to craft your own small maypole.

Dowel Rod
Clay Pot
Colorful Ribbons

Arrange some flowers in the pot and insert the pole. Attach the ribbons to the pole and begin to tie and weave the ribbons throughout, singing your chant as you go. if you ahve other people celebrating with you, they too can grab a ribbon and begin weaving.

It's a fun and lovely tradition that you just have to try at least once!

Happy Beltaine to everyone!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stand up for your Religious Belief

Something very interesting has happened recently. As you probably know I am part of a few social media sites (facebook, twitter etc. though I only actually use a few), and I have come across something quite fascinating happening to the people around me.

It seems that on more than one occasion, people that once claimed to be Wiccan or Pagan and once stood very strongly behind their beleif are now going to (or back to) a form of Catholocism.

My standpoint on religion has always been this: "Every religion is a different road to the smae universal force. We may call it a differnt name, have different ways to worship it and work with its energy but the energy itself doesn't change." That being said the focus of a beleif system is the religion that you practice, Catholocism, Wicca, Judism. You have faith and belief that the practices within your specific system of study are the ones that are going to strengthen your relationship with that one universal force, and bring you to a place of spiritual calm and peace. For many people it takes years or even entire lifetimes for them to realize. Others are more aware of their spiritual self, and find it easier to connect with that force.

You follow your beleif system of a reason. Never falter from it! No matter how many people tell you its good or bad, right or wrong, stand your ground for what you believe. By moving swiftly back and forth between beleif systems, you could possibly be delaying that spiritual peace that you are after. I have friends from all walks of life, that follow a wide array of religions. Never do I (as an outsider) question why they believe what they do. So long as they are following something that in their heart is good for them, and will help them grow personally and spiritually who am I to judge? I do however have a problem with the ones that seem to follow a specific faith for a short period of time and then latch onto the next to quickly and easily. They have no core beleif, instead they follow like sheep to the next faith that they think will giv ethem what they need. Instead of dedicating themselves to something that they beleive to be right for them, they hop around and never find peace.

I would urge them all to take a strong look deep within themselves. Find out what it is they truly seek and need from a religious insitution and then dedicate themselves fully to the one that fits the bill. It doesn't have to be Wicca or Paganism, Goddess knows I don't push my beliefs on anyone! It should be however something that has meaning to them. Something that has a system that follows their morals and values, something that is a way of life for them; not a burden in any way.

Find that thingand stand up for what you beleive! Spiritual bungee cords never get any further than consistently going up and down.