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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Chatroulette Psychic

Some of you may know what I am referring to here. Several years ago there was a site named Chatroulette that came onto the scene. You were able to turn on your webcam and flip through hundreds of different people to chat with. At the beginning it was a fun thing to do and as the site got older the people got more carried away. There have been many pranks and jokes pulled on people in Chatroulette, and even more men and women showing far too much of themselves (thankfully you can weed this out now).

I popped on the other day and decided to do something a little different. I decided that I was going to do 1 question readings for anyone that would take the time to talk with me. So at nearly 2am (I couldn't sleep a wink) I tilt my webcam toward my desk and shuffle the cards before shuffling through the people.

I was not sure what sort of reaction to expect. More often than not there are people there that are looking to chat with others in a more "romantic" fashion (or as romantic as you can get through the internet). I knew that there were going to be males, and females of different ages; as well as groups of people just having some fun in the early hours of the morning.

So under the name "Chatroulette Psychic" I spun the wheel. I was suprised to find the reaction to it was quite interesting. There were a lot of people that stopped and asked a question (this of course could have been simply because it was of no cost to them), and they were all but suprised that they got an accurate reading (from their feedback to me of course). There was such a variety of different questions, form the absurd "Where did I leave my Phone?", to the more emotional "When will I stop being addicted to drugs?", and even the tried and true relationship question "When will I find true love?".

The best part of it all was that in each person I read for at the end I saw a smile and a glimmer of hope. Ending all my readings with "Blessed Be and Spread Love", I was releived to see them take things so seriously. I felt as if the positive vibration I was sending out to them was not only being recieved, but transmitted by them as well. The loop had begun, and one good deed will affect another, and another, and so on.

One person even said to me "You're doing good work here", I smiled at that. I don't so these things for recognition. I don't do them for fame, or money (though sometimes I do ask for funds simply because of the time and energy put into things like classes and such). I do these things to help the world. To spread love, light and enjoyment and hopefully touch someone in a way that will change their lives to a more positive, healthy outlook.

I think that for now I will continue to give it a shot (now and again of course), and see how much positivity I can spread across the world, one person at a time.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


As many of you are aware, we just celebrated Ostara, the Spring Equinox on March 21st. The Christians adapted this holiday and transformed it into what we know as Easter. Ostara is a time to celebrate a rejuvination of life. The rebirth cycle of the circle. Traditional Ostara celebrations last from the Equinox up until the next Full Moon which doesnt occur until Friday, April 6th.

People would color or mark eggs (symbols of fertility) with prosperity symbols and then hide them for the kids to find in the house. This is an Ostara tradition that we still follow today. Magick that you preform during Ostara is stronger if it focuses on renewal, balance or fertility.

This is a great time to do a full house cleanse, and rejuvinate the home protections that you have in place. Renew you altar area and recast your spiritual space. Fertility doesn't always mean getting pregnant, it is simply the state of being fertile. This can apply to anything in your life that needs a little fertility, whether it be money, creativity, love, or healing.

Something that I personally do every Ostara is to create my own "Eggemental". All it takes is an egg and a marker. You are basically creating out of the egg and your energy a living elemental (hence my word eggemental) that will protect your home and property. These guys tend to last until next spring, but you may need to renew tham earlier than that as well. Be wary though, as you may "see" this little guy running around your yard at night!

On the top of the egg I draw an invoking pentacle. Then on one side I draw 2 eyes and a mouth (they dont have to be perfect). After that I take my little guy outside and walk him around the perimeter of the property. I explain to him waht I want him to do, patrol the property border of my home and chase away and negative forces that attempt to set foot inside. I will walk the perimeter 3 times (usually in a clockwise circle) while I hold him in my right hand and fill him with energy.

When I have completed, I will find a nice spot in the garden, or under a tree and bury him to live in the earth and begin his work. I will always make sure that the place I bury him stays fertile throughout the year to honor the work he is doing.

Give it a try this Ostara, and see your Eggemental protect your home from nasties!

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's a rough world outside the Circle

As many of you may already know, I recently re-ventured into the world of big business retail. After a few years being jobless (having lost the work that I loved so dear), I came to realize something again. Staying positive outside of the circle is HARD!

When I was working with like minded people (and customers) it was easy to keep a positive attitude. It was an unspoken understanding that there would always be a positive exchange of energy between myself and whomever I was dealing with. It was purely one of the best times of my life, but it came with a price. It was too easy. There was that understanding between people, it just happened and it was almost impossible to be in a bad mood or be filled with negative energy.

Now is a different story. Now more than ever I realized that my psychic muscles have gone weak (in some cases more than others). I deal daily with people that are in foul moods, and want nothing more than to drain you dry of the energy that you have. I have nearly forgotten what it is like to have to put up those "psychic sheilds" every day. I have let myself become affected by others negative intents, and have infected others with it as well (after all I'm not perfect, I'm human).

I am realizing more and more that I have succumb to the life I once lived before I knew any better, and in realizing that I have changed it. Like they say "You can't stop a truck but you can get out of its way" (and before you ask, no I don't know who "they" are).

Maybe I can't save the world (or at least awaken their senses). What I can do is this, blog about stuff and let the people that need to see it, take something from it. I can work with one person at a time in exchanging energy (or at least giving them positive energy). I can't stop the people from approaching me with negativity, I can't stop them from attempting to drain me of my energy. I can and will though block those negative forces around me, whether they are close or far, friends, family or strangers.

Life brings you lessons all the time, this was just another one of those lessons that I needed to learn, a reminder if you will. This was a lesson that had taken me by storm many a year ago, and I defeated it once. Back to basics time, and back to regaining the self from the outher world and bringing it back into the circle.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Perception is a funny thing. In the state of the world today, we look at a person and intantly judge them by their outward appearance. Those of us that are aware, strive to curb that flaw and seek to learn about each person we encounter, and never judge.

I have had very few issues in life in regards to being judged for being pagan (thankfully). We are not all that lucky, and many of us are still curled up in a corner of our broom closets wishing we could step out and face the world. It is a hard decision, with so many religious institutions out there condemning what it is we believe or do; but at some point the bravery steps in and we make that step to open the door.

I came from what some would call a broken home. My Mother and Father divorced at an early age, and in many ways it forced me to mature much quicker than other kids (not to say that I can't be an immature crazy person now and again). I was raised to be kind and gentle, to love others and be helpful to people and the world around me. I was taught to hold the door open for the person behind me, say please and thank you, and not act out inappropriately.

I like to try different foods, and experience different cultures. I enjoy watching television, movies, and reading, and even the occasional nap. I love to go to the beach or a park and be close to nature, or even go shopping (though this is on rare occasion). I learned to take care of my loved ones, and treat others the way that I would like to be treated.

I enjoy surfing the internet, and playing video games. I like fantasty, sci-fi, thrillers, horrors, comedy and action movies (heck of a list huh?). I was taught to honor the ones that we have lost and love the ones that are here.

I am not unlike you, your Aunt, Brother, or Friend. I share with you many of the same interests, and the same morals and values. In fact I woudl go as far to say that if we were to meet, we would become good friends.

Behind all of this, I am Pagan. Now you turn away, you explain to me how wrong that is, and that we cannot become friends with each other, even through all the things we have in common. You dissagre with my way of life, with my beleif. You chastise me for having the audacity to not believe in "your" God, in "your" religious system.

I will smile at you. I will not judge you by your beliefs. I will not judge you for your actions of judging me (that is not my place). I will allow you to speak your words and allow that negativity to sink before me. I do not comdemn you for what you beleive.

Perception. If you know me you know all of these thigns about me. You are a friend that sees me for the person I am whether you agree with me or not (happily many of you do). Others perceive me to be evil, malicious, vindictive. None of these things are the person that I am, and yet perception rules their eyes and closes their heart.

I ask each and every one of you, do not judge, do not allow perception to run the gambit of your life and close your heart and mind. Allow others to be free, teach tolerance and love and in the end you will be rewarded.