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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stand up for your Religious Belief

Something very interesting has happened recently. As you probably know I am part of a few social media sites (facebook, twitter etc. though I only actually use a few), and I have come across something quite fascinating happening to the people around me.

It seems that on more than one occasion, people that once claimed to be Wiccan or Pagan and once stood very strongly behind their beleif are now going to (or back to) a form of Catholocism.

My standpoint on religion has always been this: "Every religion is a different road to the smae universal force. We may call it a differnt name, have different ways to worship it and work with its energy but the energy itself doesn't change." That being said the focus of a beleif system is the religion that you practice, Catholocism, Wicca, Judism. You have faith and belief that the practices within your specific system of study are the ones that are going to strengthen your relationship with that one universal force, and bring you to a place of spiritual calm and peace. For many people it takes years or even entire lifetimes for them to realize. Others are more aware of their spiritual self, and find it easier to connect with that force.

You follow your beleif system of a reason. Never falter from it! No matter how many people tell you its good or bad, right or wrong, stand your ground for what you believe. By moving swiftly back and forth between beleif systems, you could possibly be delaying that spiritual peace that you are after. I have friends from all walks of life, that follow a wide array of religions. Never do I (as an outsider) question why they believe what they do. So long as they are following something that in their heart is good for them, and will help them grow personally and spiritually who am I to judge? I do however have a problem with the ones that seem to follow a specific faith for a short period of time and then latch onto the next to quickly and easily. They have no core beleif, instead they follow like sheep to the next faith that they think will giv ethem what they need. Instead of dedicating themselves to something that they beleive to be right for them, they hop around and never find peace.

I would urge them all to take a strong look deep within themselves. Find out what it is they truly seek and need from a religious insitution and then dedicate themselves fully to the one that fits the bill. It doesn't have to be Wicca or Paganism, Goddess knows I don't push my beliefs on anyone! It should be however something that has meaning to them. Something that has a system that follows their morals and values, something that is a way of life for them; not a burden in any way.

Find that thingand stand up for what you beleive! Spiritual bungee cords never get any further than consistently going up and down.

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