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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Those that fail at history...............

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.....when I was in High School (well not that far for some but far enough for me), my history teacher mentioned a phrase to the class at the beginning of the year that made us all want to work a little harder. He said "Those that fail history are doomed to repeat it."

Now in my high school mind the first thing I thought was that if I failed his class I would have to go to summer school and take it over again. I'm sure that every other student there thought the very same thing as we sat wide eyed and trembled at the possibility of summer courses.

It wasn't until years later that the thought came to my mind again and I realized its deeper meaning.

"Those that fail history are doomed to repeat it."

Life, among other things is about lessons. We enter situations and meet people and make choices all in order to learn a specific lesson from it at some point. We have a choice in all of this mind you, to either learn the lesson, or not. This is the deeper meaning. All those times that we failed to learn the lesson we were supposed to, those times of anger, grief, annoyance, pain we will repeat. These are usually the situations that we fail to learn lessons from because we get so emotionally involved within them that we cannot objectively learn from them.

These situations will come up over and over, again and again, until we finally buckle under and learn what we are supposed to learn. It is quite possible the hardest thing that we can force ourselves to do when confronted by these types of situations. We get caught up in our emotions, its part of being human. The idea here is to allow yourself ample time to get out of the emotional round-a-bout, and then take a step back. See things from the wider perspective.

Part of self awareness is recognizing patterns in your life. Learning when certain things are going to come back around that great wheel and smack you in the butt! If we instead learned from these situations wouldn't we then be able to incur a better come a round from that wheel? If the wheel is full of nothing but positive life lessons than that is what is going to come back again and again.

This isn't to say that negative ones aren't going to manifest from time to time, after all there needs to be a balance and sometimes a person needs that extra kick in the bum in order to get the lesson learned, but all in all its about objectivity and awareness.

Next time you find yourself in a situation where you know there is a lesson to be learned, and you are so caught up in it emotionally, recognize it and take that step back. Try to view things from all angles, meditate, converse with your Guides, do what you need to do to see things objectively so that you can begin to learn the lesson that is in store for you.

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