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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Extra Large Medium - Charles A. Filius

Years ago I was introduced to a man with a large heart, and an even larger personality. A boisterous soul that had phenomenal gifts, this man was Charles Filius. I clearly remember at one point in meeting and speaking with Charles that this man must be a special kind of crazy, and for all intent and purpose he is but how many of us in the Psychic and Mediumship field aren't right? A Cartoonist who, by his own words was drug kicking and screaming into Mediumship was able to find himself within that field and in my opinion it is exactly where he belongs.

I have been lucky enough to know Charles for years now, and each time that I attend one of his sessions I am blown away, which is not an easy thing to do mind you. I had the pleasure last night to see him again as he made a trip to Florida to a small business in Sarasota called The Spirit University.  Charles had a Mediumship demo there, that when I found out that he was coming, immediately knew that I had to go. It was an evening that was not only much needed, but was met with much love and many surprises. I was greeted there by some of my past students from my time at a Metaphysical store that I had not seen in years, and then had the pleasure of once again seeing Charles at work. Charles is unlike any medium that you have ever seen, his mixture of passing along messages from Guides, Angels and Loved ones along with a hefty dose of humor is a combination that I think only this man can execute. There is a special event that occurs in every group session that Charles does, the fact that everyone there gets something out of it. No matter if you are read, or not each message that is brought through is for everyone in some way. There is a greater knowledge on the Other Side, an all inclusive effort brought on by all the Angels, Guides etc that when they find an open channel, they waste no time in passing along exactly what needs to be heard.

I brought my Mother along with me to his session. She has had a psychic reading before but has never seen a Medium. She, like most people that are new to this did not know what to expect exactly. She knew what Meduimship was, thanks to a certain big personality from Long Island, and no it isn't me I mean Theresa Caputo. She knew that above all else she wanted to hear from her parents who have both crossed over. Though she didn't get read she said something quite unexpected and wonderous to me on our drive home. She said that her heart felt better, that through the messages that were given to others she felt a sense of healing and of release. She said that through the session she was able to share in the joys, sorrows, loss, and reconnection that Charles was able to bring that night. All I could to at that point was smile, knowing that is exactly what it is about.

There aren't appropriate words to describe the senses, feelings, and emotions that are experienced through one of his sessions, so all I can say is that at some point I hope that you can experience it for yourself. Charles still stands to this day in my mind as an influential beacon of light, laughter, and love. Thank you sir, for the experience that you provide and the messages that you bring.

Charles A. Filius - The Extra Large Medium

C.A. Filius - Cartoonist

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with what you wrote. I have found Charles to be exactly as you say. He is amazing, gifted and a very special person.
