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Sunday, December 21, 2014

A shortie on Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation is something that believe it or not I get a lot of requests for. The only issue with that is the fact that the interpretation of the symbolism of ones dream will always have more meaning to the person that dreams it, than the person interpreting it. What I mean is that the process of Dream interpretation is about taking the symbols and events of the dream and finding out what they mean. The problem exists in the interpretation itself. For example, when a person dreams about something specific like a suitcase we would go about interpreting what the suitcase means. Now to me personally when I think of a suitcase I think of travel, business possibly. Maybe even keeping a secret. All of that is well and good but the dream wasn't mine. My interpretations carry no weight because I am not the dreamer. The person that actually has the dream has to be responsible for picking through the symbols and interpreting them with their own explanations. It's sort of a kick to the gut when I have to tell these people that they are going to have to do the grunt work, but there is an easier way.

After I have to break the news to people that they are going to have to interpret their own dreams, the next thing I tell them is to get Dream Dictionary. An easy process one may assume, but not as simple as going to the bookstore and picking the first one off the shelf, or the thickest, or the one with the prettiest cover even. The best way to choose a Dream Dictionary is to be sure that the interpretations within are going to match your own. Think of a few symbols, take the time to think about what they may mean to you and then look them up in the Dream Dictionary. If the interpretation there seems similar to your personal one, then you are off to a good start! I usually tell people to try at least three symbols, if all match up well enough with your own ideas then it will most likely be a good book to get you started off with. If not, pickup another and try again!

Now there are a few keys to Dream Interpretation that not many people are aware of. The first is pretty obvious, its about recording your dreams. Whether its electronically, or on paper be sure to record as much of the dream as you can remember. The faster that you do this after having the dream the better, as many times the longer you wait the more you forget. In addition to the dream itself, be sure to log the date, time, and your feelings upon waking. This can tell you a lot when you look back on your journal after a while. You can start to see patterns in your dreaming, like if you tend to remember dreams daily, weekly, monthly etc. The feelings are important as well and will always help with interpretation. No matter the emotion happiness, fear, sadness, write it down as it has a lot to do with the symbolism of the dream as well.

When interpreting your dream, use another paper and begin to re-read your logged dream. On this new paper write down key symbols that you feel are important. Maybe it's the place, the people, the items. Whatever you choose write them down, these are going to be the key factors in interpreting your dream. After you have it all down on paper go through each one by one and look them up in your Dream Dictionary. If there is something that you have written that isn't in your book, take the time to think about that symbol and what it means to you. How does it make you feel, what do you think of when you think about that symbol etc. When you are done with that its a matter of reading through everything together and figuring out what it is that the dream is saying to you!

Not as easy, and not as hard as you may have thought right? Following this guide will get you interpreting all your dreams in no time. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it either, though a symbol has importance to the dreamer it may take a little nudge from a friend to get the mind going!

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