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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I do Divination, do you?

Divination is a practice that has been used by Pagans for a very long time in addition to Psychics, Mediums, Channels and Sensitives. Divination is about seeing into the pas, present, or future in order to gain information about an event for healing or decision making. Often times when we do divination we see into the future of a situation in order to make a better choice for a problem, or see where a specific path we are on will head. This isn't the only use though. We can use divination as well in order to look into the past to find healing through an event that we have already lived through. There are literally hundreds of different ways to do divination, many of them you are already familiar with. I'd like to briefly talk about a few of my favorites here, not a complete list by far, so if there is somehting that you would like to add to the list, feel free to comment. Even comment if you have had a reading done with a specific form of divination, and what you thought about it.

Tarot: The art of Tarot actually started as a card game. No one is 100% sure on when or how the cards became used for divination practices, but it is one of the most common and well known forms of divination there is. You can ask the Tarot anything, and after practice (between knowing the cards themselves, and a little psychic development) you can tell the past, present and future from the Tarot cards. There are different layouts as well that will give you specific information (See my articles on Tarot to learn more).

Pendulum: The pendulum is a swinging implement that is used to answer yes or no questions. In addition to that you can sense energy or find lost objects using the divination of the pendulum. Pendulums can be made of metal, crystal, bone or wood. Either way it should be something that is natural and not man made.

Rune Stones: Rune stones are cast (thrown0 and then read in a specific manner in order to use them for divination. The Runes are Nordic in tradition and although they can tell the past, present, and future they tend to get to more of the "deeper" issues of a situation rather than the surface issues. This form of divination is also sometimes referred to as "casting bones".

Scrying: Whether you use a crystal ball, mirror, or bowl of water, scrying is often used by Pagans. You look for shapes, pictures, and even letters or words in order to answer specific questions. Scrying can go into past, present and future. In fact there are many ways of using the mirror to "see" into past lives and experience and learn from them from a distance.

Astrology: One of the most complex forms of divination that takes years to learn and even more to master. It works with reading the planets, stars and their positions in order to find out information. You can find out about a person, or even their lifes path in love, money and more if you know how to work with astrology.

Numerology: One of the most fun, and easiest (at east in my opinion) form of divination. It works with numbers, each number having a specific meaning. When the numbers are added (or subtracted) in a specific way, it gathers information on people as well as thei rlifes path and future. It can even tell you the specific energy of a certain item, name, address, phone number...whatever! I went numerology CRAZY when I first learned how to use it!

Palmistry: Reading the lines, curves, and forms of the hands and fingers can tell a lot about person as well as where their life is going, and where it has been. There is a lot more to palmistry than the simple 3 lines that many people know about, in fact a true palmistry reading can take a few hours to complete if everything is read from beginning to end.

Oracle Cards: Similar to Tarot cards but not entirely. Each Oracle deck has its own way of being read, as well as its own meanings, spreads and definitions. It is best to consult the beook that comes with your deck in order to read them correctly.

Nature Scrying: The same as scrying, but instead of using a bowl of water or a crystal ball you are using objects that you find in anture. Trees, clouds, a river or pond, any of these can be used to scry in. Using candle flames or smoke fall into this category as well.

So these are a few of my favorite divination forms to use. Believe it or not I actually use them for myself, and quite often too! I know there are a lot of books and information out there that say that a person can't "read" for themselves but there are ways around that. In fact what is best to do if you must read for yourself is to do it for a specific date in the future. I'm not talking two weeks ahead of time, try at least a month or two for starters. Do your reading and write it all down or record it. The reason a person can't read for themselves is because we cannot stay objective enough to take in the information. We can't take the cards for what they mean without trying to palce them into out lives (and sometimes we do that wrong). This way if you are looking at a few months ahead, you can stay more objective and then look back at the reading to see if it has worked the way it was supposed to in the first place.

Just a short list as I said, but one that it sull of the things that I tend to use most often as far as divination goes. If you ahve any favorites, feel free to comment!

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