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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Personal and Space Protections

I am sure that you have heard the term protections at least once or twice within your psychic, pagan studies; but what does it actually mean to be protected and to use protections? First we need to talk a bit about two different kinds of protections (and I’m not talking about condoms or guns here either!). There are personal protections and space protections. The first focuses on people, and the second on a location.

Personal protections work on individuals, either you or others. This type of psychic protection is used to keep out negative energy or influences, keep from people stealing your energy, and keep your energy flowing strong and positively around you. Personal protections are usually used every day. Now there are a few different theories about them, and even a few different ways of doing them (saving that for another time). The theory that I follow is that personal protections should be re-done every 6 hours. The reason for this is that the energy of the poles shift every 6 hours, and in order to keep them strong you re-do them as the energies change. Some believe that every 12 hours is the pole change, it really is all according to what research you have done and follow. Personal protections keep you safe from negative people and energies, psychic energies that should not attach themselves to you, psychic vampirism and attack, and the appearance and creation of holes in the aura. The protections keep your energy flowing smooth and strong, keeping your aura strong and your energy high. For those of you that d divination or mediumship, it aids in keeping spirits that are nasty at bay and not allowing them to “enter” the medium to talk. Pagans and spiritual people that do paranormal investigating use protections for that reason as well, keeping the spirits at a distance in order to remain spiritually and energetically safe.

Space protections do much of the same thing. They protect a location from negative energy and create a “sacred space” in order to draw in positivity, or practice magick. Space protections are usually a bit more ritualistic and stronger than personal protections, though not always. Traditionally speaking one should do a space protection at least once a week. Now those that practice magick will be doing protections more often. This is because every time they do ritual, meditate, or practice magick they need a “clean and sacred space” in order to work. The most common space protections that you will run across are those for the home and the work place. This doesn’t always mean just your home or work space, it can be other peoples home or work space as well. It can even be locations that do not belong to you in order to aid in negativity removal.

Now that you know a bit about the two main protections it will be easier for you to understand and protect in certain situations. You are more likely to understand when to use a space protection, or a personal protection in your work.

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