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Friday, March 23, 2012

It's a rough world outside the Circle

As many of you may already know, I recently re-ventured into the world of big business retail. After a few years being jobless (having lost the work that I loved so dear), I came to realize something again. Staying positive outside of the circle is HARD!

When I was working with like minded people (and customers) it was easy to keep a positive attitude. It was an unspoken understanding that there would always be a positive exchange of energy between myself and whomever I was dealing with. It was purely one of the best times of my life, but it came with a price. It was too easy. There was that understanding between people, it just happened and it was almost impossible to be in a bad mood or be filled with negative energy.

Now is a different story. Now more than ever I realized that my psychic muscles have gone weak (in some cases more than others). I deal daily with people that are in foul moods, and want nothing more than to drain you dry of the energy that you have. I have nearly forgotten what it is like to have to put up those "psychic sheilds" every day. I have let myself become affected by others negative intents, and have infected others with it as well (after all I'm not perfect, I'm human).

I am realizing more and more that I have succumb to the life I once lived before I knew any better, and in realizing that I have changed it. Like they say "You can't stop a truck but you can get out of its way" (and before you ask, no I don't know who "they" are).

Maybe I can't save the world (or at least awaken their senses). What I can do is this, blog about stuff and let the people that need to see it, take something from it. I can work with one person at a time in exchanging energy (or at least giving them positive energy). I can't stop the people from approaching me with negativity, I can't stop them from attempting to drain me of my energy. I can and will though block those negative forces around me, whether they are close or far, friends, family or strangers.

Life brings you lessons all the time, this was just another one of those lessons that I needed to learn, a reminder if you will. This was a lesson that had taken me by storm many a year ago, and I defeated it once. Back to basics time, and back to regaining the self from the outher world and bringing it back into the circle.

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