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Monday, June 27, 2011

Paranormal TV OOOoooooOOOOOoooo

I’m like most of you out there. I watch all the shows on the paranormal that I can possibly stand. Whether it is the over the top antics of Ghost Adventures, the sub-standard story Ghost Hunters or even the possibly worth a damn Paranormal State, I am glued to the television to see what if anything occurs.
I realize that more and more of these shows are coming on the air, and as a person that lives and works in the field of Spirituality and Metaphysics I’m not quite sure how to approach them. Yes, I am glad that the shows are opening up the eyes and minds of people especially in generations that are more science and technology based. However, what is really being shown?
Reality T.V. an invention that we are all too familiar with nowadays does have drawbacks, especially in this case. Here are my thoughts, stop me if I begin to ramble too much.
So here we are, it’s late at night and we turn on our favorite channel to see that a new episode of our favorite reality ghost show is on. We are excited, because whether we admit it or not, we enjoy having the crap scared out of us and we watch because it is an interest that we all share. So we sit and we watch. We watch what they do, how it’s done, and what (if any) evidence is found. Then we say to ourselves one of two things:
1) You could never get me to do that! Or
2) Quick! Grab my camera and let’s go Ghost hunting!

Say you fall in the latter category (because that is where my track of thought here falls). You grab your little digital camera and run to the nearest cemetery in hopes that you get a picture of that “white lady” everyone in town seems to know about who died in a car accident, was murdered by her husband, or committed suicide. You walk around in the dark (chances are you forgot to pack a flashlight in the excitement) and begin snapping photos. It’s eerie and chilling and gives you a rush of adrenaline that no medication could ever fill. You go home and find that you got nothing. Pity. So you go out and try again, this time though you have probably spent some money on a recorder or camcorder for your outing. Nothing again! You try and try and try but end up with zilch! So you watch some more, and imitate some more, and here is where you get into trouble!
See from a scientific perspective Ghost Hunters are out to prove the existence of the Paranormal by using these semi-scientific methods. However, what about the spiritual side of things? Don’t worry; I’m not going to go on about how I already know ghosts exist because I’m a medium or any of that. I walk in both worlds here; I want the physical and the metaphysical proof. This is something that I personally feel is important, especially in the field of Paranormal Research.
There are very few shows out that show you the spiritual side. Paranormal State used to, that is until they needed increased ratings and had to cut some things. So they leave out the prayers and protection that the team does before each investigation. No biggie right? Wrong! Though this is not the place to go on and on about it but, there are such things as spiritual attachments. Many times it is those that don’t believe that they attach to. No, I’m not purposely trying to scare you (though if I am, maybe you should turn the light on). I simply want to point out some very little known facts.
1) What you see on T.V. isn’t all that happens. You miss out on protective methods, on the time it ACTUALLY takes to set up equipment, take down equipment and go over evidence. Sure it looks great within a 1 hour time period but this is T.V. folks!
2) Things are sometimes misrepresented. Not all ghosts are evil demons out to kill you. Point in fact true cases involving demons are far and few between. They show you what they want to, what is going to get a rise out of you.
3) Psychic information and technology. Together, these things can be a great deal of help. However neither of them are in most cases. Many times you get one instead of the other. I’m not saying that one can’t help the other but you need to back them up. Psychic information should directly back up the claims and evidence that was collected, and shame on you if you go solely on psychic information alone. I have known many great psychics, but no one is 100% right all the time.
4) The “Do as I Do” syndrome. You see something interesting, and try it for yourself. It could be as simple as cursing or threatening the ghost, or as complex as a full on séance. Either way, by simply watching it you don’t know what your getting yourself into!

There used to be a show on the A&E channel. The name escapes me at the moment but it was a Paranormal Radio Show host that also did investigations. He had on his team an occult specialist (which I feel is important to have); however this specialist was doing things in a very dangerous way! He was performing rituals (they did warn you at the beginning of the show that some parts were left out), that were very dangerous in nature. I don’t want to go too far into this, but he was not only summoning spirits to the location, he was binding them there as well. Imagine if someone was savvy enough to find out what the entire ritual was!
Point is this, when we watch these shows we need to do so objectively. We need to take a step back and really look at what we are being shown. Is it for ratings? Probably. Is it real? For the most part, sure. Are we seeing everything? No.
Be smart, do research, and look into classes, books, articles. Read up not only on the Scientific methods of Paranormal Investigation but the Spiritual methods as well. Look for local groups and see if they do seminars or tag-a-long investigations to get first hand experience. Don’t go blindly into the night hoping to catch something and then be stuck when you actually do!

Just a bit of a rant there, and my thoughts I figured I would share.

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