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Monday, June 27, 2011

Real vs. Fake: Psychics and Healers

he New Age field has certainly grown in popularity over the past few years. There are a lot more practicing Psychics, Mediums and Healers now then there were only a year ago. This is good an bad for many different reasons. It is a positive in the fact that the field is gaining more popularity, and that people are exploring it more and more, however as things grow in popularity it attracts people that are just out to make a fast buck.

I wanted to take some time and discuss with you the differences between Real vs. Fake in the Psychic, Medium and Healing realm. There is a lot that you should know, and more that you should be on the lookout for so that you don't get caught off guard by  a con-artist Psychic.

Things to understand:

1: "Why do Psychics charge for their readings?"
This is something that I hear almost all of the time. You see Psychic ability is not a gift. It is not something that only some of us have and others don't. No matter who you are, you have the ability to develop Psychic skills. They are something that in inherent in all of us from the time we are born. Some of us choose to use them, and others do not. Psychics charge for their readings for many reasons. First, it is their way of life, their business. Many times you will find that a Psychic isn't so much charging you for the reading itself but (more like in my case) is charging you for the time spent. Many of the good Psychics out there (myself included of course) have spent a lot of time and study in the Metaphysical and Occult field. You gain a certain kind of unspoken qualification from that. You have the education and knowledge to charge for your time. This is not unlike a plumber charging you fro unclogging the toilet, could you have done it? probably, but instead you turned to a professional with the education to do it right. Second comes the importance of the reading. If you get something for free, how much value does it really have to you? Nothing, right! The same idea goes for charging for a Psychic reading, if you receive one for free, you aren't really putting much stock into the information that has come through. You sort of take advantage of it, and never allow it to change your thoughts or your life in any way.

2: Not all Psychics read the same
Just because there are many different Psychics out there it does not mean that they are all going to get the exact same information for you. Psychics tend to be great with certain info, and not others. A Psychic that tells you things about your love life and work, may not be good to tell you about health.The best thing to do is try to experience them individually, and find one that suits you fully.

3: Why are Psychics so expensive?
Some aren't (i myself only charge $30 for a 1/2hr at the moment). Usually, with the good Psychics you see a higher charge. These are the ones that have education in the field, and are usually the better ones to go to. The ones that are free, or charge $10 or so need to be inspected further (I'l get to that later). This isn't always true however. In fact there have been many occasions where I have done free readings for clients, or even readings at a discounted cost. Sometimes it is more important that they recieve the information then it is to get paid.

4: If I have Psychic Ability, Why can't I read for myself?
No one said you couldn't, you just have to do it properly. See we are humans, it is impossible for us to stay objective about issues and situations that occur in our own lives, or the lives of our close friends and family. Many Psychics won't read themselves, family or friends because of this. However, if you were to do a reading for yourself, a family member or friend and base the reading 2 years from now, that would be a different story. Then ou don't have to worry about being objective with current situations.

5: Are all Psychic's Mediums and Healers?
Not necessarily! You have to be a Psychic to be a Medium. Mediumship comes with developing and working with Psychic skills, however many Psychics choose not to do Mediumship (for many reasons personal to them). A Healer can also be Psychic, but not always. There are many people in the massage field that also practice a healing technique called Reiki. Just because they practice Reiki, does not mean that they are Psychic.

6: The Psychic I saw was wrong on a few things, that means they are fake right?
No not at all! Below this you will find the tings to look out for as far as a "Fake Psychic" goes. Just because the Psychic you saw was wrong on a few things does not make them a bad Psychic. Even in the entire reading didn't make sense, it still does not make them bad. It would be bad if they refused you your money back, but that is rare. We are human, no if's, and's or but's about it. Humans are going to make mistakes, and even when you are connected to those Universal energies mistakes still happen. Interpretations get messed up. It's ok though. This is why something I implement in all of my readings is a 5 minute rule. If in the first 5 minutes either you, or I feel that the information is not coming through right, or that there really is no connection, the reading stops, and your not charged. You can stop reading with me anytime after the 5 min as well, and i only charge you for the time we have spent together. This is a big difference between real and fake, good and bad Psychics. The good ones have morals and values that are followed.

7: The Medium I saw didn't connect with my (Dad, Mom, Grandparent, Child) that crossed over, that means they are fake? Right?
Again, I say no. I know from experience in having Mediumship readings done (I am not actually a medium myself) that you can't go into an y reading with an expectation of hearing from a certain person. Mediumship is much like calling someone on the phone, sometimes they are home, sometimes not, sometimes they are busy and can't answer at the moment, but whoever is available to answer will.

Real vs. Fake: What to know
Real Psychics will NEVER pull any of the stunts that I have listed below here. The minute you suspect the Psychic you are with as being fake, leave the reading. If you have paid, ask for your money back and if you haven't, then just leave.
 Warning Signs of a Fake Psychic

1: That Sounds Familiar
If a Psychic seems to tell you things that are common or undescriptive keep an eye out. This is not to say that every Psychic out there is going to to tell you EXACTLY what your mate to be is going to look like, but if all they say is that you are "meeting a tall dark stranger" it may be a sign. This is what is called "cold reading" it's a magicians trick that anyone can learn.

2: Additional Charges
You may get a reading for $10. That's great! It may even be a GOOD reading! That;s even BETTER! But then the weird begins. The Psychic tells you something like "there's a curse on you that i can remove", or "I can heal your problem", "I can help you attract your mate", "your Chakras or closed", or even "I can light a candle for you." These usually end with "i don't charge much, but it needs to be done right away" That is usually when they ask you to spend more money. I have experienced ones like this before asking for $500 or MORE to remove a curse, sage the person, or light a candle for healing. These are the con artists, if this happens RUN.....and run FAST!

3: Too Good to be True
A Psychic that makes extraordinary claims should be  a warning sign as well. Anyone that ells you they are 100% accurate is someone to look out for. There is no accuracy percentage, or even a way to measure that in the field. Many time you do a reading for someone you never hear back from them on what happened, or if you accurately predicted an event. Remember, we are human, we are going to be wrong sometimes, and that;s OK! Anyone that tells you they can see spirits clear as day, is someone to look out for as well. This doesn't mean that there aren't people out there that can do that, but if they are reading you can giving you no descriptions after making that type of claim, I would stop the reading. Another thing to look out for is the personal story of the Psychic (if they have one), does it seem too good to be true? Or even too horrible to happen to a single person?

These are the major ones that are seen over and over again. Any of these are a good reason to leave the reading.

Have you had readings done before? Have you encountered any Psychic or Medium that was Fake, or a Con Artist?

Leave your posts below, and let's work on bringing in some awareness!!

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