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Monday, June 27, 2011

Spiritual People who have chosen a Dark Path

I know what your thinking…..”Wow Really?…and yes…..REALLY!

Whether we choose to see it or not there are people in our spiritual realm that are just as obtrusive as any other uninformed individual. They have been riddled with fear, blame, paranoia and delusion and attempt to use it to excuse their actions and to place blame elsewhere.
One would think that people that follow a spiritual path would be less likely to do things of this nature, unfortunately it is ALL too common.
 I hate to say it as much as you hate to hear it I’m sure, but it is something that I continue to come across even to this day.

There are those within the spiritual community that seek control over others through fear, and delusion. If they would take a moment to understand the lessons that they “say” they are following they would know the future that they are going to be creating for themselves. Instead, they choose to place blame on other individuals or “unseen” forces. Mainly because they are so paranoid that people are out to get them they refuse to understand how very little importance they actually hold.
Blame. We have all been guilty of it at one or more points in our lives. As we walk down a more spiritual path though we come to the awareness that it is us who create our present and future and the blame cannot be put elsewhere. We are the ones that with our actions, thoughts, and words create the future that we are going to have to live out. There are no “unseen” forces or “black magic” rituals being done. It is purely the path that we have created for ourselves.
Karma is a wonderful thing in that way I guess. People that fail to understand these more complex issues of life will certainly be doomed to repeat them, and those that choose to blame will at some point have the blame put on them.
Why do these people seek control in this way? By using fear and blame to force others to follow? (is that not “black magic” in it’s purest form? Using it to force another do so something against their own will?) and yet these are the first people to cry wolf and blame someone else for the negative things that happen in their lives.
In the spiritual world no matter what faith, religion, or path that you follow you are taught to take responsibility for your own actions. It is YOU who create the path you must walk.
It is possible that these individuals have spent too much time in the spiritual field and have lost their ability to grasp reality, allowing the paranoia and delusion to set in. It is also possible that they feel themselves to be so “important” to the world that they refuse to take responsibility for themselves, and so cast it upon others.
They are out there, whether you choose to see them or not, they will always be there! Why? In the great scheme of the Universe they have to be, there has to be bad to equal good, dark to equal light, delusion to equal reality. This is the balance the world was made in, and it must remain that way.
So what can you do? First, be sure that you are not one of them. Take responsibility for your actions, fall not into the delusion, but have a firm grip on reality. Practice your magic with heart and from a place of love. Second, when you see these individuals, these people that have infiltrated the spiritual awareness community and attempt to control through fear, blame, and delusion…RUN.
Be aware. You can be caught off guard, I have been before.

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